Saturday 20 December 2003

Welcome to the club

Hi. If you are reading this, then we are either new friends (6 months or so) or lost friends. But that should be history now!!

Hi again,

Like everybody, I meet many interesting people in my daily life. But unlike everybody, I try to be in touch with them, of course, only as long as they don't find it intruding/disinteresting.

So I write to all. One common mail finds its way to all my friends scattered around the globe. Be it Old City or Old Trafford, my 'Hi' reaches there.

And now it will touch even you!! Welcome to the club.

Now, what to write remains an unanswered question. Forgive me for I can't weave stories like one Mr Shakespeare did. Nor can I send you interesting forwards every time. But I perhaps can, I think so, blab something without boring you much. Mostly on experiences in this staid battle called LIFE!!

Let's talk some business now.

What should you do to avoid this program?
Option 1 : Tell me. I'll surely respect your decision and relieve you. No hard feelings.
Option 2 : Block all my email ids.
Option 3 : Suffer in silence.

What if want to participate?
Keep in touch. Be active. Write.

So here we go!!


PS: If you've ever lived with me, then you'd know that 'mischief ' is my middle name. So if you suddenly find me cracking an ugly joke on you, take it sportily. If you can't, then feel free to box your system. Dishhoom!

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