Thursday 1 May 2003

April Ape-dates

Hi Mankind,

Happy Labour Day! (Ain't we all labourers in disguise. Some polished, some not)

In this 3rd edition of "nearly avoidable" mail series, I've added a few more recipients. But having said that, I've also deleted some walls/stones/trees/rocks. It's quite tiring trying to communicate with such fellas. Still a few remain.

To the people who came in late --> You are reading this month's issue of torture-yourself mail series broadcasted by 'yours truly'. Basically it's a medium to tell my friends that I care about them and definitely will be 'a bit' sad when they kick the bucket/tub/whatever. (Seriously, It's just a monthly attempt to say 'Hi' to all my friends)

The last month was pretty pale. Started very bad but thankfully picked up pace sometime in the middle.

So here's how I grew older by a month:

1. Food/Cooking --> Zilch!!! Absolutely no creative experiments this time. My excessive workload resulted in letting our maid handle our in-house-lab(read kitchen). By the way, my roommate's (Kashmiri) mom sent some sweets that were so damn delicious. And even better news was that they wouldn't stay long. So it became my staple food for a few days.

2. Movies -- > Saw some old movies like Angoor. Pretty good shade of the Shakespearean tale. Among the new ones saw only Leela. Was OK.

Southern Spice -- Hey!! great news. There's this absolutely fabulous film released by name 'ithe'. Just splendid work. New-faces, low-budget, hilarious, creative and all other attributes skilfully woven together by some praiseworthy direction. ..a la Varma film. Definitely the best I've seen since I left college.

3. Music - Pathetic improvement. Still revelled in that old collection of mine. But became very obsessive about these 3 songs. Sur-- Jaane Kya Dhondta Hai; QSQT -- Akele Hai To Kya; Lifehouse -- Breathing. Hey guys, suggest something new.

4. Books --> Here's where I scored most this time. I told you earlier that I had joined a library. Am exploiting it unduly.

Non-Fiction: Read works by/about George Eastman, Bill Gates, Kiran Bedi & David Ogilvy.

Fiction: Re-read "Love Story" after ages. Loved it as much as I did the first time. Also finished 'The Bridges of Madison County'.

I had completed the first few chapters of Mahabharat. But have put it aside since it requires long attention. Sometime later maybe!! Presently I'm with "The Diary of Anne Frank".

5. Another great pastime of the month was sugarcanes. No kidding. I had my share and your share and your neighbour's share of them. Pretty cheap yaar, just pay seven bucks and you can take home a barge pole.

That was it. The coming month seems devilish to me . All I see is work & work & work & work. Wish me good luck.

Critters, I must tell you that its a big fun to read all the replies/feedbacks I get to my mails. Some people are under the delusion that I'm having an "enviable idyllic" life. Ha Ha! Welcome back to reality!! Honestly, I write only those things which I find worth writing. Mostly the finer aspects of life. Besides them, God has been consistently benevolent in gifting me my share of mess-ups ( <-- I avoided an obscenity here ).
Bottom line -- "All that glitters is not gold". Courtesy --> Mr. God.

I let go!!

An Ideal Cost-to-Company.

PS 1 :

'There are somethings money can't buy. For everything else I trust my friends'

Funda of the Month :

Did you guys know that the entire Kodak episode is one man marvel. Such an extra-ordinary genius like George Eastman finally committed suicide. His suicide note read -- "My work is done. Why wait?"

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